UX impact
Created 1 primary and 2 secondary personas
These helped guide design direction and content creation.

Gained positive reviews from users and the internal web team for the UI and usability
I provided an updated site map, a new home page design, and UI templates for all other pages.

Reduced the amount of internal web team's task tasks
Helped streamline many internal content publishing processes including posting/editing content, linking pages, and overall workflow.
A website redesign for a Colorado-based school, SkyView Academy, a charter school founded in 2004 by a group of parents to create a more challenging and meaningful educational program for their children and the community. 
Personas, journey maps, sitemap, and high-fidelity mockups that were put into production
UX Researcher, UX/UI Designer
3-week timeframe. Worked as a freelancer for the creative agency, Atomic Idea. Collaborated with a brand strategist and a content management system admin from the internal SVA team.
Responsive website
Sketch, Overflow
The challenge
To address numerous complaints from students, parents, and staff about the usability of the previous version of the website. The old site was outdated and difficult to navigate. Example images are below:

Previous SVA homepage
Previous SVA homepage
Previous placement for users to Enroll, a vital feature
Previous placement for users to Enroll, a vital feature
Previous iteration of school News/Events
Previous iteration of school News/Events
User Surveys & remote interviews
Working with Atomic Design, a series of open-ended questions were asked to staff members, parents, and current students to gain qualitative feedback. Example questions included:
• "What are you looking for when you first arrive on the school's website?"
• "What pages or sections do you visit most often?"
• "Please describe your experience of the current website"?
“The website needs to be more visually appealing...[with] less content overload."
- User interview participant
Who are the users?
The SkyView board members provided a vague assumption about who the main user groups were. I was able to validate and establish one primary and two secondary personas. This was based on qualitative research above and quantitative data gathered from the content management system admin.
• Gain general school information
• Compare info from multiple schools quickly
• Understand parent, child, and school policies
• To communicate with staff to learn more

• Not always sure what to look for in a school
• Unclear on how to best compare SVA to others
• Inconsistent ways to access some pages of the site
• Wastes time on sections with a lot of content
The peak and end of his journey show that improvement is needed with the hyperlinks section of the navigation.
According to Nielsen Norman Group, these two points are what the human brain remembers most clearly about an experience.
Information architecture & card sorting​​​​​​​

Data synthesis process

During the initial user survey, I included a list of categories (representing a consolidated navigation list) and a wide variety of sub-categories and asked participants to associate the two groups. Utilizing card sorting, I was able to understand the mental models of users.
The "Parent Resources" required the most attention to fulfill the primary persona's needs.

Highlighted in red are some areas and categories that required iteration

Final sitemap presented to the internal SkyView team

Client & user feedback​​​​​​​
The "sticky" left-hand navigation in the proposed wireframes was altered due to feedback. This led to the main navigation needing to include more content and the introduction of breadcrumbs.
additional template pages refinement
High fidelity mockups
After implementing design changes based on feedback and additional research on web best practices, I moved to high-fidelity mockups. I worked within SkyView Academy's branding guidelines.

Revised homepage, with clear calls to action/navigation and less visual clutter

An example page template showcasing enhanced readability for large blocks of text

An example page template showcasing content other than text

More of my work